Friday, November 14, 2008

Strength Day

I guess I have forgotten to mention that every Friday is strength day at our gym. Isn't that just wonderful.

I hope you got the sarcasm there.

Well usually on friday we run for 30 minutes, then stretch, then do a whole butt load of abs[which kills!] then we break into 2 different groups based on dance ability. the 2 rotations are upper body and dance, and sometimes we do pliometrics. It makes ya reallllllyyy super duper sore and then you go home and come back the next day and can barely walk, hah.

Anyone [other that He Kexin=14] read this blog? I'm not sure if I should continue?


1 comment:

charloadams said...

yes I do!!! lol i already said it before on another post but you didn't see it I guess! I'm charloadams from youtube!